Senin, 26 Juli 2010

House maid arrested for 'raising fund' for terrorists

Three house maid arrested recently in Surabaya for stealing may be part of a large money raising racket set up by terrorist group,police say.

Three women working as a house maid were arrested for raising fund for terrorist group.The three women have connection to the Central Java terrorist syndicates,They stole their employer valuable in separates incidents,Malang and Yogyakarta,on June 20 and June 23.The three were identified as Siti Fatonah,24,from Sragen in Central Java,and Sibling Darwati,alias Nanik,28,and Mutmainah,alias Nur/Ayu,25,from Grobogan in Central Java.
Polices confiscated a number of document describing the women oath to two organization-The Indonesian Muslim Women Military and The indonesian Islamic States.
The Surabaya arrest came a series robberies in surabaya.A resident in Kupang,Gunung Timur,Surabaya on May 22,claimed 1kg of gold jewellery and about US$12,500 in cash had been stolen from him.
Their method is surprisingly bold"The suspect went from door to door offering their services as a house maid. After being Hired and Stealing money and valuable,then abandoned their job without the knowledge of the employer.
National Police Chief Gen.Bambang Hendarso Danuri said The police were still on high alert for more terrorist alert.

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